ActivityConfig: {
    activities?: any;
    expire?: number;
    retryPolicy?: {
        backoffCoefficient?: number;
        maximumAttempts?: number;
        maximumInterval?: string;
        throwOnError?: boolean;
    startToCloseTimeout?: string;

Configuration settings for activities within a workflow.

Type declaration

  • Optionalactivities?: any

    Configuration for specific activities, type not yet specified

  • Optionalexpire?: number

    place holder setting; unused at this time (re: activity workflow expire configuration)

  • OptionalretryPolicy?: {
        backoffCoefficient?: number;
        maximumAttempts?: number;
        maximumInterval?: string;
        throwOnError?: boolean;

    Retry policy configuration for activities

    • OptionalbackoffCoefficient?: number

      Factor by which the retry timeout increases, default is 10 (HMSH_MESHFLOW_MAX_INTERVAL)

    • OptionalmaximumAttempts?: number

      Maximum number of retry attempts, default is 5 (HMSH_MESHFLOW_MAX_ATTEMPTS)

    • OptionalmaximumInterval?: string

      Maximum interval between retries, default is '120s' (HMSH_MESHFLOW_EXP_BACKOFF)

    • OptionalthrowOnError?: boolean

      Whether to throw an error on failure, default is true

  • OptionalstartToCloseTimeout?: string

    Start to close timeout for the activity; not yet implemented