StreamConfig: {
    appId: string;
    guid: string;
    namespace: string;
    readonly?: boolean;
    reclaimCount?: number;
    reclaimDelay?: number;
    role: StreamRole;
    throttle: number;
    topic?: string;

Configuration parameters for a stream

Type declaration

  • appId: string

    Application identifier

  • guid: string

    Globally unique identifier for the stream

  • namespace: string

    Namespace under which the stream operates

  • Optionalreadonly?: boolean

    if true, will not process stream messages; default true

  • OptionalreclaimCount?: number

    Maximum number of reclaims allowed, defaults to 3. Values greater throw an error

  • OptionalreclaimDelay?: number

    Delay before a message can be reclaimed, defaults to 60,000 milliseconds

  • role: StreamRole

    Role associated with the stream

  • throttle: number

    Default throttle (read from KeyType.THROTTLE_RATE)

  • Optionaltopic?: string

    Optional topic for the stream